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Model of Care 


This work stream will focus on two areas; CYP and ASD without LD.

This is based on the significance of the need, the gaps in the region and the need to develop a coherent/deliverable model for the North West.

This workstream was deveopled to determine Current service gaps and current pathways for ASD assessment in adults and children with LD & Mental health pathways in CYP with LD and Challenging behaviour and produce recommendations for operationalised components of pathways that are:

  • Non-service/discipline specific (due to the range of multi- agency interfaces e.g. between community health and CAMHs)
  • Ensure social care input into challenging behaviour
  • Consider feasibility of ‘gold standard’ or what is an ‘acceptable’ quality of service based on financial constraints
Two world café event were held to explore the areas of strength, gaps as well areas to develop in the Northwest region. Key issues and themes were identified and captured.
Model of Care Graphic

CYP with LD and Challenging behaviour

Following the world cafe, a smaller task and finish group was set up which following specific areas were considered in more detail:-

  • Links to Intensive Support Services and Respite linked to early warning signs from DSD.
  • Transitional Care, Shared Care standards
  • Support for those with ASD and no LD including diagnosis
  • Specialist LD/ASD beds in the NW region linked to NW community services.

Recommendations alongside use of Thrive framework include:

  • The importance of Training of staff universal services in working with children and young people with Learning disability and Autism.
  • Parents Carers and Young people to be able to access training to promote well being and health and prevention.
  • CAMHS LD to be sited with mainstream CAMHS but with strong multi-agency links
  • Key worker using the DSD as an early warning system
  • Autism pathway
  • Schools consultation model
  • Specialist LD /ASD inpatient unit in NW
  • Transition into adult services be supported by a transition worker, with all age ITSB and Crisis service supporting young people across the age range into adulthood
  • Intensive short breaks model to be piloted
  • Specially commissioned respite beds to be linked to ITSB and crisis service
  • Roll out of the Dynamic Support Database
A draft propsal has been submitted to the ODN Board and TCPs for comments and presentation at TCP Boards.

ASD assessment in adults and children with LD

The Autism without LD Operational Delivery Network workshop at the end of September, was arranged to:

  • Map the different service models in adults and children 
  • Map good practise for post diagnostic services
  • Identify gold standards across the country for diagnosis and post diagnosis

On reviewing outcomes from group work and comments that all of the feedback could be generally split between 3 areas and further smaller sessions were facilitated to explore these themes in more depth:

Pic 1

A draft propsal has been submitted to the ODN Board, however further work is being made to develop this proposal before this is submitted to TCPs for comments and presentation at TCP Boards.