- The Health Equalities Framework 2013
In developing the HEF we have endeavoured to identify important and relevant indicators which help to establish a consensus around service delivery priorities. There is a focus on the key factors which compelling evidence suggests, underlie the health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. The necessary data can be generated in a cost effective manner and interpretation has been simplified through the development of an electronic interface (the eHEF) which requires minimal IT infrastructure to support its operation. Data can be aggregated across services, professionals and teams which allows variation in service outcomes to be identified. Analysis of data can inform individual professional practice as well as supporting decision making to bring about improvements in service systems.
- Commissioner guidance for adult mental health rehabilitation inpatient services
this guidance supports the planning and commissioning of local mental health rehabilitation inpatient services as part of a whole pathway, to meet the identified need of local populations. Standardising the approach to the commissioning of these services should identify and reduce inequalities and improve quality, ensuring services are safe, effective, evidence based and informed.
This is based on the premise that ‘all means all’. Services will be commissioned so that everyone who presents with a mental health rehabilitation need requiring an inpatient service should be able to access this locally, when they need it and in a way that is flexible and responsive to their needs.