Complex and Continuing Care / Specialist rehabilitation
The work stream has five task and finish groups identified that are at varying stages of progress.
Literature Review Task and Finish group
Literature review completed and the paper has been accepted for publication in BJLD.
The literature review has provided a summary of the current evidence base for this are of clinical service delivery. It's purpose was to enable a fuller understanding of the rationale of whether there is a clear need to be met and rationale for the expectations of such services. An initial literature review was completed by colleagues in Plymouth University and it this was expanded to search terms relevant to this are of healthcare service delivery but not specific to complex continuing people/rehabilitation work with with LD.
Current use of inpatient services Task and Finish group
After meetings to review the type of information that the NHSE/I regional team hold and the lines of enquiry that would be possible from this, a decision was made to have an overview analysis of anonymised information already collected by NHSE/I and then to identify areas for a deep dive of information collected through CTRs and other such processes. Cross sectional data paper has been submitted to the AMHID (Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities Journal) and the longitudinal papers is being finalised.
Quality standards Task and Finish group
North West NHSE/I regional team initially funded the Royal College of Psychiatry Quality Network for Learning Disability (QNLD) to help co-develop a set of quality standards with those with lived experience, clinical staff and academics using a Delphi approach. The development was completed in October 2022. The NW NHSE/I funding also includes supporting 20 hospital units/wards to be accredited using these standards which will offer a basis for service evaluation of whether the standards change the quality of provision and the patient experience. A self review was conducted in July 2023 with a peer reviewer training in September 2023. This project wil lead to an evaluation project.
Outcome measurements Task and Finish group
The development of a framework of outcome measures for this service area covering person specific outcomes; service outcomes and high level outcomes. This piece of work on completion will form part of the commissioning guidelines. A review of outcomes measures have been completed in late 2022 however the outcomes report to be developed.
Commissioning guidelines
In January 2024 NHS England produced the Commissioner guidance for adult mental health rehabilitation inpatient services