Overview of the North West Operational Delivery Network for Learning Disabilities and Autism
The NW LD&A ODN’s role is to provide professional and clinical expertise and guidance to ensure the care and support provided to people with learning disabilities and autism is consistent across the North West region and is in line with the national Transforming Care Programme.
The North West Learning Disability and Autism Operation Delivery Network (ODN) was developed in April 2017 by NHS England in conjunction with the North West Transforming Care Partnerships (TCPs); Cheshire and Merseyside, Greater Manchester & Lancashire and South Cumbria.
The ODN supports the vision and aspirations set out in Building the Right Support – that people with learning disabilities, autism or both should have the same rights and opportunities to live happy, safe and fulfilling lives in their own chosen communities, with the appropriate support around them to live as independently as possible.
The ODN plans to achieve its vision by:
- Utilizing clinical expertise and specialists
- Harnessing best practice
- Using evidence-based approaches
- Championing the highest standards of care and support including making recommendations to commissioners of health and care services
Our success will:
- Improved access into and egress from the right services at the right time
- Improved operating consistency and equity of service provision and access
- Improved outcomes
- Increased productivity both for individuals and services
4 slides introducing the NW LD&A ODN
Our governance and assurance structure
How the NW LD&A ODN is organised at the workstream level
Developing Operational Delivery Network The Way Forward (2012) - NHS Commissioning Board